Saving Money on Your cats

Saving Money on Your cats

Pets have become more than just animals. They have become a part of the family. As family members, you want to give them the best care possible. However, just like people, caring for pets can be quite expensive.

The expense has become a hindrance to many people considering a pet. If you'd really like to have a pet or keep the one you have, consider these tips on saving money on your pets.

Pet Choice

If you don't have a pet yet, carefully consider the type of pet you will have. A pet cannot and should not be discarded when it becomes inconvenient. This makes the choice of pet extremely important.

Choose a pet you can care for properly in your current environment. Choose a pet you know you'll be able to afford the upkeep. Don't buy a high end dog when you can't meet its special requirements.

If you've decided on a pet already, decide how and where you're going to get your pet from. Think of animal rescue centers and shelters. You may not even have to pay for the pet. Adopt your friends' pet if they can't care for their pet anymore. If you buy your pet from a store or breeder, expect to pay more.

If you're looking to own a particular breed, research the breed first. You need to know what to expect, what weaknesses and illnesses are common. In the event that your pet becomes ill, you already know what to expect and how much to spend.


Choose a vet wisely. Find one near your area so you don't have to travel far. The more expensive vets with flashy offices don't necessarily mean that they're better or that they will be able to care more for your beloved pet. A good veterinarian doesn't have to be expensive or own a fancy office.

If a school of veterinary medicine is in or near your area, upper level students may be able to help you with common ailments and concerns.


Check the labels

Many expensive and less costly brands share the same ingredients. Why pay more when you can have the same at less the price?

Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk can save you more money in the long run. You won't have to make frequent trips to the store; this saves you gas, time and effort. In many cases, shops will deliver for free to your home if you purchase in bulk.

Avoid sugar, Give chews

Sugary foods can lead to dental problems for your pet. Avoid the dental costs by giving your pet non-sugary foods and hard, dry chews.

Don't overfeed, exercise

Overfeeding is bad for your pet. This can lead to expensive health problems. Feed your pet as required. Exercise regularly. Taking along your pet for a walk or jog is a great way for both of you to get some exercise.

Groom at home

Grooming can become very expensive. Why not groom your pet at home? Buy nail clippers, brushes and shampoo. Grooming your pet yourself will also give you precious bonding time.


Prevent diseases common among pets through vaccinations. The out of pocket expense may seem a bit much at first but is well worth the price in the long run. Your pet will be healthier and happier. You avoid spending on expensive treatments.

You should also get heartworm protection for your dog if you have one.

Prevent Accidents

If your pet is outdoors, make sure that there is an enclosure. This will protect your pet from within and without. Stray animals won't be able to get to your pet and your pet won't be able to get to stray animals. This lessens the possibility of injury and or death.

An enclosure will also prevent your pet from getting into your neighbor's property. You won't have to pay for repairs or damages that your precious pet may cause.


If you don't want any additions to your pet family, make sure that your pet is either spayed or neutered. This will save you a lot of emotional and financial stress.

Having a pet is like having a child. Before taking any step towards pet ownership, ask yourself if you are ready to step up to the plate and be a responsible pet owner. Be forewarned though, the joys and rewards of having a pet can make any expense seem worthwhile. So hold on to those purse strings when you need to.

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